Online Modules on Contemporary Curating
Welcome to the Online Modules on Contemporary Curating. We are part of the OnCurating Academy, Berlin, Continuing Education. These courses are created and organised within the platform – led by Prof Dr Dorothee Richter and Domenico Roberti, MA – the affiliated online publication, and the PhD in Practice in Curating programme.

You can already find various lectures by curators and artists on the website And a vast and profound discourse on curating can be found at the website We also organise exhibitions and series of workshops internationally under the name Curating on the Move, with workshops in India, Spain, HongKong, Seoul and in collaboration with different Biennales.

We are interested in collaborative, interdisciplinary working methods, as employed in film productions or non-government organisations. Exhibition-making and curating mean the creation of innovative structures for the presentation of cultural artefacts and contemporary discourse through interdisciplinary collaboration and can create an impact for a broader audience. In this field, art, digital media, design, music, and architecture intermesh in new ways.

The Online Modules on Contemporary Curating provide profound insights into specific areas of knowledge in curating; they are aimed at all those in contact with cultural, curatorial, and artistic interventions wishing to deepen and intensify their understanding of culture, its role in society, and its capacity for change. The courses are designed to foster a more comprehensive understanding of culture, art, and curating and to seek to expand the boundaries of art.

All course lecturers are highly engaged and active in their respective fields. You will learn more about them in each course description.

What is it about?
The Modules have been developed through decades of active teaching experience on various levels of institutional education and in more experimental environments. We believe in a learning environment that empowers the participants. Besides the knowledgeable contributions by the lecturers, the courses enable a workshop-like format in parts that aims to be a space of encounter and open discussion, where direct engagement with the lecturer and other participants is possible and welcome. Individual assignments and the feedback by the lecturers and other participants will help you advance in your own practice and thinking. Additionally, you will receive written personalised feedback on your assignments.

So, how does it work?
Each Module is usually set on two consecutive Saturdays, 2–6 pm CET (if not indicated otherwise).
The courses will be held live via Zoom (and also often hybrid) and will contain substantial input by the lecturers, workshop situations in groups and/or individually, discussions, and feedback and evaluation.
We can interact with each other in real-time through the online conference application in video, sound, and chat.
Additionally, more material – the recordings of the session and the assignments – will be accessible on a separate website.

If you can’t attend in real time, don’t worry! The sessions will be recorded and saved on the website, so you can watch them at any time at your convenience for a certain period of time.

What you get!
These compact Modules entail 8 hours of direct and live contact concentrated into two consecutive Saturdays. The lecturers will hand out individual feedback and evaluation of assignments. Additional readings and resources and the recordings of the sessions will be made accessible and can be revisited one month after the course.

Each Online Course is credited with a Certificate of Completion will be handed out digitally.

Lets go!
All courses can be found on this website – the active courses are at the top. You can enrol in the course directly here. After enrolment is completed, you will get further information and access to additional material and the conference link.

If you have further questions, feel free ask us: