Ecofeminism, Queer Ecology, and the Pluriverse – Critical Approaches to an Entangled World
Lecturer: Anja Lückenkemper
Feminist Assembly 3–4 May 2024
«Curating Difference – Different Curating?» Transformative Perspectives on Relating Otherwise
Ronald Kolb
Post-Exhibitionary Practices. A methodological journey to contemporary forms of knowledge production called exhibitions.
Discussing documenta fifteen with Nora Sternfeld
Discussion on commons, contact zones, infrastructures in the light of documenta fifteen
Annette Bhagwati
Curatorial Talk
Small Projects for Coming Communities
Symp.: De Colonizing Art Institutions, Kunstmuseum Basel
documenta 14 Athens
Workshop Curating and Social Change, Hong Kong
Curating in Feminist Thought: Amelia Jones
Feminist Subjects versus Feminist Effects: The Curating of Feminist Art
(or is it the Feminist Curating of Art?)
Panel: Work. Migration. Memes. Personal. Geopolitics. Parallel Event of Manifesta
Nkule Mabaso
How we live now – Art System, Work Flow and Creative Industries
filmed at Gasthaus zum Baeren/ Museum Baerengasse
It is just advertising…It is just ephemeral …YOU print it now…
Alongside the exhibition project “They Printed It!” at Kunsthalle Zürich
Nadja Baldini
1% Art: Instituting an Art Department at the Berufsfachschule Baden (BBB) – A Case Study