Anna Konstantinova
Talk on Digiral art and online curating
20 October 2023
Digital art has long ceased being a mere niche of contemporary art on a global scale – it has transcended the path from being just the specialist segment for the secluded communities of and new media enthusiasts to being institutionalised and well accepted by art market. Curating digital art as well as online spaces has become a discipline and a job. Covid has also catalysed a lot of processes, however, many definitions are still confusing, and the development is hectic. With this talk, I would like to outline the current stand of things and point to questions in the representation of digital art, but besides that I want to touch upon the successful and innovative strategies of digital and online curating from my own practice with some examples of projects that treat digital as as an area with its own laws, history, characteristics and communities and showcase the potential of digital curating as an independent sphere and method of analysis and critique.
Anna Konstantinova is a curator based in Zurich. Her professional interests include photography and post-photography, process-based and participatory art and digital curating. She is a part of the Swiss photographic collective pool, the curatorial team of the contemporary photography collection of the bank Vontobel and the contemporary art gallery Lullin + Ferrari, alongside contributing to the program of fortnightly online events dedicated to digital cultures “Screen Walks”, a collaboration between Fotomuseum Winterthur (Switzerland) and The Photographers’ Gallery (London, UK). She was previously involved with the digital program of Fotomuseum Winterthur called SITUATIONS, as well as being the curator and senior research fellow of the photography collection at Polytechnic Museum in Moscow and publishing program producer of Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design. She holds an MA in Media Studies from the Russian State University of the Humanities and MAS in Curating from Zurich University of the Arts.