Pau Waelder
Curating New Media Art: a blue-collar approach to working with process-based, interactive and immaterial artworks.
Friday, 4 May 2018, 5pm
HEK Basel
Drawing on his professional experience as curator and researcher specializing in new media art, Pau Waelder addresses several aspects of curating artworks that need to be plugged, configured, and maintained, require the active participation of the viewer, or can materialize in diverse forms. The talk will focus on the practical aspects of curating new media art and discuss a series of artistic projects and exhibitions.
Pau Waelder is a curator, writer and researcher based in Spain. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) he is consulting lecturer in Design and Digital Creation at UOC and currently teaches the online course “Curating New Media Art: process, interaction, virtuality” at NODE Center for Curatorial Studies. His recent projects include the exhibitions Real Time. Art en temps real (Arts Santa Mònica/Centre Art Lo Pati), Remote Signals (Iberofest Festival, Tallinn), Data Cinema (Media Art Futures Festival), Extimacy. Art, intimacy and technology (Es Baluard Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Colmena and Metapaisatges (Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation). He has published articles and essays in several publications, among which the contemporary art magazines ETC Magazine (Canada), (Spain), ArtPress (France) and Estonian Art (Estonia), as well as the peer-reviewed journals Leonardo (US), M/C Journal (Australia) and Artnodes (Spain), among others. He has also worked as writer and content manager at the website VIDA Art and Artificial Life from Fundación Telefónica. He is currently the editor of the Media Art section at art.esmagazine, editor and writer at the blogs Art Matters and Design Matters (UOC).