Sabine Gebhardt-Fink
Revolving Histories of Performance\Art*
Sabine Gebhardt Fink discusses queer and feminist positions of Performance Art in Switzerland that are marginalized and or invisible in art history writing and curatorial projects like “Performanceprocess. 60 Jahre Performancekunst in der Schweiz”. Nevertheless these positions had been important for the curatorial discourse since the 1990s in establishing a practice of political aesthetics – like Chris Regn, Dorothea Rust, or Andrea Saemann. The lecture gives a first insight in her contribution to the collaborative curatorial project Revolving Performance, she actually is working on together with Lena Eriksson. A specific question here will be feminist pedagogy.
Sabine Gebhardt Fink is an art theorist in the field of critical visual culture studies and performance art, she is a researcher, lecturer, author and curator based in Basel and Lucerne, where she helds a professorship in contemporary art at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is responsible for the MFA program Art in Public Spheres, Critical Image Practices and Art Teaching. She did independent curatorial and conceptual work for Performance Index, Performance Chronicle Basel (together with Muda Mathis & Margarit von Büren), Networking Histories of Performance Art and took part in symposia, discursive events and festivals at FU Berlin, Kule Berlin, Theater Gessnerallee Zurich, Kunsthalle Basel, Kaserne Basel, Valie Export Center Linz, Vienna Art Academy, Sorbonne Paris, Henry Moore Institute Leeds e.g. She co-edited together with Sigrid Adorf FKW No 67 Disobedient bodies. Feminist strategies in Performance Art (2020 ) and is actually working on the edition of “pedagogical trajectories”, SFKP e-journal, together with Elisabeth Nold-Schwarz (2020 forthcoming).