Yasemin Keskintepe
Curating and the digital commons
(via OnCurating Facebook page)
The digital commons opened up possibilities for the distribution and communal ownership of informational recourses and technology on a global scale. An unhirarchical system of knowledge, distributed over networks and accessible to all, it is a vital resource for the development and sharing of ideas. How could the notions surrounding digital commons inform curatorial practices?
Experimenting with different exhibition formats that foster the creation of networks of trust and knowledge circulation, Yasemin Keskintepe has been exploring the space of the exhibition as a model for inclusive and participatory engagement. Taking the underlying ideas of the digital commons as an ethics and approach to exhibition making, she investigates how we can claim agency in an increasingly digitised world. How can we create interrelationships between digital commons as a political, economic and ethical stance and the curatorial as a spatial practice? In a comparative analysis of exhibitions surrounding topics of digital culture, this talk will present reflections on curatorial approaches of recent years.
Yasemin Keskintepe is a curator who investigates the politics and poetics of technology in contemporary art and exhibiting practices. Currently, she is associate curator at the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden. Previously she worked at ZKM | Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe (2016 – 2018), where she co-curated the exhibition Open Codes and Digital Culture Techniques. Other projects include the 2018 edition of the Impakt Festival entitled Algorithmic Superstructures and Non-Aligned Networks (2019) at Valetta Contemporary. Yasemin finished her studies in Contemporary Art Theory at Goldmisths College London, having previously studied Cultural Policy and obtaining an undergraduate degree in law.