
Thomas Laely

Curatorial Practice
Curating in the 21st Century at a “World Museum”

Fr. 16th of Dec. at 6 pm
ZHdK Viaduktraum 2.A05


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Curating in the 21st Century at a «World Museum»
At the current time museums of modern and contemporary art as well as cultural history museums are both aspiring to develop alternative narratives to the hitherto existing canons of exhibiting and to deploy a global approach. Museums of Anthropology or Museums of Man(-kind) were transformed in the last twenty years into World (Culture) Museums. At the same time these institutions came to be embedded less in the academic discipline and more in a domain of public engagement. Concurrently there is the growing preoccupation with tourism as a driver for urban regeneration and economic growth. What are the consequences of these dynamics and turnarounds for the curatorial practice and procedures? The current “success” and new vitality of museums bring unprecedented challenges and new questions into focus for its curators.

Thomas Laely speaks on the ways and possibilities of curatorial practice at “world culture museums” in times of new endeavours and challenges in contact with new interest and audience groups under largely globalized conditions on the basis of his former experiences working for international and transcultural programmes of the Arts Council of Switzerland, Pro Helvetia.