Master Project
Damian Jurt
Loge: Exhibition as a Process
1 January 2009–1 January 2010
Die Loge, Stadtgalerie Bern
Artists: Nino Baumgartner, Donatella Bernardi, eggerschlatter, Heinrich Gartentor, Delphine Reist, Adrien Tirtiaux, Simone Zaugg
Concept of the Annual Exhibiton Programme:
The guest-curatorial project Loge is located in the Stadtgalerie (city gallery), an exhibition space situated in the court of the artists’ residence house PROGR, Bern, the capitol of Switzerland. Loge functions as a flexible platform for various artistic and curatorial projects and as a springboard for emerging artists.
In 2009 the future of Loge and PROGR was uncertain due to commercial city interests. This precarious situation lead to the formulation of new questions, and the focus on context specific projects. In 2009 all invited artists created new, site-specific work, thus addressing both current architectural and political aspects of Loge.
A process-related transformation took place between each of the five exhibitions. Materials, as well as entire exhibition elements were re-used by the following artists, creating both new works and new environments. Beyond the identity of the individual exhibitions, a process can be observed, that is both connected and separated from the individual exhibitions and seems to develop a dynamic of its own.
Reine Vernunft:
Heinrich Gartentor, Delphine Reist
17 January–28 February
Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Frühling:
Adrien Tirtiaux
13 March–30 April
Zeit geht vorbei:
Nino Baumgartner, Simone Zaugg
15 May–4 July
Inmitten des Prinzips:
4 September–30 September
Gott würfelt nicht – er rundet Ecken ab:
Donatella Bernardi
16 October–28 November
Exhibition Catalogue
By Petra Giezendanner, Damian Jurt und Selma Käppeli: «Wie wichtig ist der Kick für dich? – Loge 2009: Die Ausstellungsreihe in der Stadtgalerie Bern», 2009, 64 pages, 26 illustrations, paperback, German/English/French, published by Boabooks, ISBN 978-2-940409-20-4, CHF 18.-.
Interviews with the artistes by Barnaby Drabble, Sønke Gau, Petra Giezendanner, Damian Jurt, Selma Käppeli, Sibylle Omlin und Philippe Pirotte.
Artistic Director: Damian Jurt
Detailed documentation: