Master Project

Frédéric Bron

SummerLAB / imag I ine migration

Festival of artistic practices
Folium, Zurich, 17-25 August 2016
In collaboration with Anna Fech

How can Socially Engaged Art be determined and react to the representation of migration in the public discourse? How to get back from discussions about “the other“ to oneself and to address questions to oneself? Along with an exhibition that engages on the “framing“ mechanisms of media, social media and the general public canon, film screenings, workshops, panel discussions and a performance offer possibilities to approach in an immerged way the subject matter and the discourse. Can a representation of migration have the effectiveness to be the beginning of a social engagement?

Contributions by: Atelier Hirschbichler (Michael Hirschbichler), Flavio Cury, Philipp Messner, Kollektiv migrantas, Kollektiv Soom Projekt