Master Project

Dina Yakerson

Graven Image

29 May–14 July 2014
Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg

Ori Levin, Assi Meshullam, Avraham Milgrom, Katya Oicherman, Max Epstein and Ido Michaeli, Zoya Cherkassky, Maya Zack, Sasha Serber and Erez Israeli

The project Graven Image is an intervention within the museum’s collection The History and Culture of the Jewish People on Russian Territory transforming the exhibition space into a meeting point between contemporary art and ethnography. The exhibition presents works by prominent Israeli artists, who explore issues of Jewish identify, culture, collective and personal history. The participating artists are: Ori Levin, Assi Meshullam, Avraham Milgrom, Katya Oicherman, Max Epstein and Ido Michaeli. It also includes an interactive presentation with other related works by: Zoya Cherkassky, Maya Zack, Sasha Serber and Erez Israeli.

This show aims to develop a complex outlook on history, its current affect and influence on contemporary society, to explore what can create historical narratives and to produce a connecting thread between past and present as well as between ethnography, history and visual arts.

Curator: Dina Yakerson